War, displacement, and disaster turn innocent children into victims, robbing them of their basic rights, dignity, and stability. Using proven play-based approaches, we give children the psychosocial support they need to overcome trauma, and help them to keep learning safely.

Gaza Crisis

We are horrified at the violence in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and we condemn the atrocious acts of Hamas. We are also deeply concerned about the growing humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and its impact on children. Right To Play has been working in the area since 2009, ensuring that children have safe, inclusive learning environments that support their education and psychosocial wellbeing. We are closely monitoring the unfolding situation and expect that children will need significant support to cope with trauma and displacement and get back to learning. Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund helps children in times in of crisis.

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Keeping children learning and mentally strong

When an emergency hits, schools are often the first places affected. Donations to the Children’s Emergency Fund allow us to quickly respond to emergencies in the 14 program countries where we work by providing the supplies, spaces, and support children need to keep learning. Using the freeing power of play, we help children cope with fear and anxiety, and ensure that young people who experience marginalization are included in recovery efforts. When the emergency subsides, we help children go back to school safely and resume their studies.

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Pakistan Floods

When Pakistan was hit with historic flooding in September of 2022, millions of children lost their homes and the lingering floodwaters threatened outbreaks of waterborne diseases. We responded by providing mental and emotional support, as well as distributing hygiene kits in flood-affected areas. As conditions stabilized, we helped open the doors of damaged schools so children could safely return and pursue their education.

Read about our response to the floods in Pakistan

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Beirut Explosion

After the 2020 Beirut explosion, we launched a targeted music program that gave affected youth a chance to express their feelings and fears through song and taught them how to support peers who were experiencing trauma. We also contributed to the clean-up and rehabilitation of partner schools and community spaces and helped out-of-school children re-enroll and continue their studies.

Learn more about our response to the Beirut explosion.



When the World Health Organization declared a global COVID-19 pandemic, we responded by ensuring children had the knowledge and supplies needed to keep themselves safe from transmission. We also collaborated with educational actors, media organizations, and community partners to ensure children could keep learning while schools were locked down, and access psychosocial support when needed.

Learn more about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund gives children living through emergencies the support and spaces they need to cope, recover, and get back to learning.

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For every dollar donated to the Children’s Emergency Fund, 90% is spent directly on response efforts.