More Ways To Donate
You can help them rise!
Through a donation, you can empower children to rise above their challenges, discover possibilities, and find their way back to hope.
Choose a giving option that is meaningful to you and help fund the next generation of uprisers.

If you would like to make an offline donation, please download, and complete our offline donation form by clicking here, and mail it to our mailing address below.
Right To Play International
Mailing Address: PO Box 108, Toronto Adelaide Retail, Toronto, ON M5C 2H8
If you would like to donate by wire transfer, please contact, Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer, to assist you with your request.
Donations of all sizes help protect, educate, and empower children to rise.

Give the gift of securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds) to help more children experience the power of play while eliminating your capital gains taxes. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the gift.
Download and complete our gift of securities form by clicking here and contact your financial advisor to discuss how you can make an impact today.
For questions about making a gift of securities, please contact, Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer, to assist you with your request.

Right To Play partners make play-based learning possible for children in Canada and around the world. To become a Right To Play corporate partner, please contact, Corinne Frenzel, Senior Development Manager, Indigenous Programs, to find an opportunity that aligns with your business.
Together, we can make a make a real difference in children’s lives.

To give in honour or memory of a special occasion, family member or friend, please contact, Stuart Evans, Donor Relations Coordinator, to support you in making this special gift.

Leaving a legacy of play can have a lasting impact on a generation of children. Reflecting on your values, talking to your loved ones, and speaking to your professional advisor can help you decide the right amount or percentage to give. If you have any questions about making a gift in your will, please contact, Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer, for more information.
To let us know you are making a gift, please download and complete our form by clicking here. If you would like to learn more about legacy giving and the impact of a legacy gift visit our Leave a Legacy of Play webpage by clicking here.

Reaching more children with the transformative power of play is only possible by the support and generosity of donors like you. A significant gift can make a great impact. Please contact, Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer, to discuss funding opportunities and the difference you would like to make.
There are many areas of play you can support today.