Leave A Legacy Of Play
Choose to remember Right To Play in your Will or estate plan and transform the lives of children around the world through the power of play.
Legacy gifts are a critical source of support for Right To Play’s programs, and your gift will allow you to make an ongoing impact on the lives of millions of vulnerable children for years to come. Your commitment can be the difference in a child’s life that enables them to realize their greatest potential and rise above unimaginable adversities.

Legacy giving allows you to choose a method and amount that is right for you, after you have taken care of your loved ones.
There are different ways to make a legacy gift. Here are a few common choices you can consider:
- Gift in Your Will – You can leave a fixed amount or percentage of your estate, a portion of property, securities, or cash to Right To Play. You can always revise your current Will or add a codicil, which explains or modifies a specific part of your Will. For any amount, your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Gifts of Life Insurance - You can leave a gift to Right To Play by listing us as a beneficiary and owner of your existing life insurance policy or you can transfer ownership of an existing policy or take out a new policy. Choose the option that works best for you and receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Gifts of RRSP, RRIF or TFSA - You can name Right To Play as a beneficiary or one of your beneficiaries on your RRSP, RRIF or TSFA. You will receive a tax receipt for the amount of your contribution. You will continue to retain full use of your funds in your lifetime.
You are encouraged to speak to your financial advisor or lawyer to support you in making a gift that is best for you and your family.
For more information, contact:
Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer
Or request further information by clicking the button below:
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I benefit from making a legacy gift to Right To Play?
Choosing to make a legacy gift can reduce your estate taxes upon your passing, depending on the type of asset. It is a flexible way to support a cause you care about, and you can also make changes to your gift at any time.
Do I need to leave a minimum amount?
There is no minimum donation requirement when making a legacy gift. You can choose to donate an amount that is right for you and your loved ones.
Will my current income be affected if I make a legacy gift?
After you choose to leave a legacy gift to Right To Play, your current income will not be affected.
What kind of impact can I make by leaving a legacy gift?
By leaving a legacy of play, you can help support Right To Play programs in Canada and abroad, ensuring a generation of children and youth have access to opportunities that empower them to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.
Can I leave a legacy gift to a specific area of Right To Play’s work?
A member of our team can support you in designating your gift to an area of our work that you deeply care about. Contact Diana Blackmore, Senior Manager, Mid-Level & Major Giving, at dblackmore@righttoplay.com to learn more about designating your gift.
How do I make a bequest to Right To Play?
Get in touch with your lawyer or financial advisor to discuss updating your Will to include a gift to Right To Play. Your professional advisor can provide you with knowledgeable advice and recommendations on updating your Will. You can also consider speaking with your family to share your wishes.
To leave a Legacy of Play in your Will reference, Right To Play International and charitable registration number 888804218 RR0001.
To let us know you will be making a legacy gift to Right To Play, please complete the below form and send it back to us. Letting us know you will be leaving a gift to Right To Play allows us to plan how to use the funds to create the most impact.
Contact Information
By Email:
Nikou Vakili, Stewardship & Engagement Officer
By Mail:
Right To Play International
PO Box 108, Toronto Adelaide Retail,
Toronto, ON M5C 2H8
Thank you for considering leaving a Legacy of Play in your Will to Right To Play. Your legacy gift can transform a generation of children and youth and help them unlock their full potential.
Disclaimer: The enclosed material is intended to provide general information and should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. The above should not be used without first reviewing it with your own legal or other professional advisors to determine its suitability for your unique estate planning situation.