How Peter Went Back to Learning
Peter couldn’t afford a school that could accommodate his disabilities. That meant he wasn’t going to school at all. Thanks to the help of the Right To Play-trained school inclusion committee, Peter is back in class, learning and playing with his peers.
Building Her Vision for the Future: Aisha's Story
More than 60,000 children live on the streets of Accra, Ghana’s capital, and are not in school. Aisha dreams of being a journalist to speak against child labour and homelessness and to draw the government's attention to these issues.
8-Year-Old Comes Out of Her Shell Through PLAY program
Rose, 8, is from a close-knit community in northwestern Ontario with a beautiful beach on Lake Huron. In December 2022, Rose participated in a three-day MLSE and Right To Play hockey clinic hosted by her community, where she was brave, caring and confident. “I had trouble breaking [on the ice] before the clinic, and now I can do it well!” Rose explains.
Building Leadership Skills Through Hockey: Stephanie's Story
Refuser le mariage précoce : voici comment Felda est retournée à l’école et est devenue une dirigeante
Le Mozambique est l’un des pays où le nombre de mariages d’enfants est le plus élevé au monde. Près de 48 % des filles de ce pays seront mariées avant d’avoir 18 ans, et 14 % d’entre elles seront mariées avant même d’avoir 15 ans. Beaucoup de ces filles abandonnent l'école et n'y retournent jamais. Mais, avec le soutien d'un club de filles organisé par Right To Play, Felda a pu retourner à l'école après un mariage précoce et devenir une dirigeante.
How connecting to land and culture is improving health outcomes for Indigenous youth workers
Through the leadership of local youth workers (Community Mentors), 15 Indigenous youth across Ontario have had access to new opportunities to connect to the land and their culture as part of the Traditional and Land-based Quality Sport program. The program is a Right To Play pilot program supported by Sport Canada.
How Belise is Paying It Forward
Belise, 21, became pregnant while still finishing school. Social stigma made her feel unwelcome and ashamed at school. So, she dropped out. It took a lot of courage and special support for Belise to stand up to social pressure and claim her right to an education. Belise now works as a mentor for young mothers in the community, encouraging them to get back into school.
The Confidence to Learn: Victoria’s Story
Victoria is a bright and determined nine-year-old who dreams of being a doctor. Victoria knows that to achieve her dream, she has to do well in school. She’s able to pursue her dream thanks to the support of Tumaini, her Right To Play-trained teacher, who uses play in the classroom to make the classroom an engaging and inclusive place for both girls and boys.
Transformer la vie d’un enfant
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