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Pat Perry.jpg
"We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."

In mid-September we and our guests had the pleasure to spend a playful evening with Pat Perry. We started already at the aperitif with magic and sorcery. For about an hour, the world champion of magic and mental magician took us into his arts in the theater CLOSE in Zurich-West. Pat guessed secret lotto number combinations, he deciphered hidden drawings and even read a vacation destination from our minds. No matter how much we studied the tricks during the cozy aperitif with "home-made" appetizers - none of it helped, the riddles could not be solved!

And just as Pat Perry enchanted us, in our programs we try to bring some magic into the lives of children and to show new possibilities and ways of looking at things. With the ticket price of 40 Swiss francs, our guests have made a valuable contribution to this. Where Right To Play is active, this is already enough to secure a school place for a girl for a whole year. A big THANK YOU to all of you!

If you would like to dive into the magical world of Pat Perry, you will find his program here.