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Gender Equality and Girls’ Well-Being

Our gender equality and girls’ well-being programs provide girls and young women with leadership opportunities and engage youth in challenging harmful gender norms that limit girls’ potential.

In Ghana, the Head Prefect represents students’ voices and interests. Learn how Dzidzornu became the first female Head Prefect at her school, and how she’s inspiring her male and female peers.

Globally, one in five girls are denied an education because of poverty, violence, and gender discrimination. Girls hold enormous potential to be agents of change, but their voices are rarely heard.

Where girls can equally claim their rights and opportunities, societies become more productive and see fewer cases of gender-based violence and forced marriage. By removing barriers to their healthy development and leadership, we empower girls to be all they can be, challenge exclusion, and inspire future generations.


In Pakistan, the number of girls who reported experiencing corporal punishment dropped from 67% at the project’s start to 36% by its end.

We work with schools and teachers to ensure that lessons and facilities are inclusive and gender-responsive. We offer Girls’ Clubs where girls find safe spaces and trusted adults to talk to, learn about their rights and how to claim them, build the knowledge and confidence they need to make decisions about their bodies and futures, and use their voice to influence change. We work with parents and communities to dismantle stigma, reduce discrimination, and stand up for girls’ rights to be protected, educated, and empowered.

"Being part of Right To Play activities made me realize who I am, and I was able to convince my father and then my mother to let me pursue my education." - Madiha
Madiha’s Story